Advice for borrowers with AA/A/B credit

Congratulations, you're in the prime segment!

As such, you'll get much better rates than a large segment of borrowers on Prosper. However, there are a few additional things you should address in your listing:

Listing hints

  • Why don't you go to a bank?

    Many lenders will wonder why you are not asking a bank for a loan -- after all, with your credit, you'll probably get one easily.
  • Why are you using autofunding? (If applicable)

    Lenders may wonder why you are using autofunding (If you are planning to enable it). After all, many AA/A/B loans get bid down quite significantly.

Loan information

  • As a borrower in this category, its highly probable that loans between $1,000 and $8,000 will be funded. Funding of loans between $8,001 and $12,000 is probable. Loans between $12,001 and $25,000 often occurs if the interest rate is acceptable.
  • It is recommended to not use automatic funding.
  • Since it is highly probable that your rate will get bid down, it may be a good idea to place the starting rate a couple of percentage points above the average rate. This will cause more bids to get placed, and may cause the rate to drop below the current average on Prosper.
For guidance on appropriate interest rates, please consult the table below.
Detailed information is available in our tools section.
Grade $1,000 - $4,999 $5000 - $9,9999 >= $10,000 Average loan size
AA ~8% ~9% ~10% $7,200
A ~9% ~10.5% ~12% $7,000
B ~11.5% ~13% ~14% $6,700
For listings with a DTI of larger than 20%, an additional 2 to 3 percentage points should be added.