Your loan listing

Your loan listing is the central element of borrowing on Prosper. It tells the lenders all about your request.

A loan listing contains several aspects:
  • Your credit grade

    Your credit grade summarizes your credit situation.
  • Additional credit information

    This contains detailed information, such as the number of current delinquencies.
  • Your debt-to-income ratio

    This tells the lenders how much money you're spending on loan payments.
  • The loan amount

    This is the amount you'd like to borrow.
  • The interest rate

    This is the interest rate you're offering the lenders.
  • The listing text

    This text describes why you're requesting the money and tells the lenders about you. This is your chance to tell the lenders what you want to say.
Although you cannot change your credit grade or additional credit information, you can change your listing text. Therefore it is important to write it carefully.

Advice on how to write the listing text

Also, you will need to choose a loan amount and starting interest rate. For this, your credit grade is very important. You can find out your credit grade by following these steps:
  1. Go to the "borrow" tab.
  2. Click on "create a listing now.
  3. If prompted, add your account information, and continue.
  4. Answer the questions to verify your identity, and continue.
  5. Accept the borrower's agreement and authorize Prosper to do a credit inquiry (A "soft pull"), and continue.
  6. You will see your credit grade. Write down the information, or make a printout. Also, write down the additional credit information (currently delinquent accounts, delinquencies in the last 7 years, public records, age of credit, credit lines, inquiries in the last 6 months)
  7. Close the browser window.Do NOT continue to create a listing.
Once you have this information, be sure to read the borrowing advice for your credit grade:

Advice for AA/A/B credit

Advice for C/D credit

Advice for E/HR/NC credit